1957 Weekly Standings

1957 Season

Final standings

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 92 70 .568
New York 103 59 .636
Cincinnati 88 74 .543 4
Cleveland 98 64 .605 5
Chicago 81 81 .500 11
Brooklyn 94 68 .580 9
Milwaukee 70 92 .432 22
Pittsburgh 81 81 .500 22
St. Louis 58 104 .358 34
Philadelphia 78 84 .481 25
Kansas City 53 109 .327 39
Washington 76 86 .469 27

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 102 60 .630
Toronto 106 56 .654
San Francisco 100 62 .617 2
New York 98 64 .605 8
Seattle 83 79 .512 19
Montreal 83 79 .512 23
Twin Cities 76 86 .469 26
Baltimore 71 91 .438 35
Chicago 75 87 .463 27
Detroit 65 97 .401 41
Houston 54 108 .333 48
Boston 59 103 .364 47

Standings prior to the games of September 30, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 87 69 .558
New York 101 55 .647
Cincinnati 84 72 .538 3
Cleveland 94 62 .603 7
Chicago 80 76 .513 7
Brooklyn 92 64 .590 9
Milwaukee 68 88 .436 19
Pittsburgh 78 78 .500 23
St. Louis 56 100 .359 31
Philadelphia 74 82 .474 27
Kansas City 49 107 .314 38
Washington 73 83 .468 28

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 96 60 .615
Toronto 103 53 .660
San Francisco 95 61 .609 1
New York 93 63 .596 10
Seattle 81 75 .519 15
Montreal 80 76 .513 23
Twin Cities 75 81 .481 21
Baltimore 69 87 .442 34
Chicago 74 82 .473 22
Detroit 62 94 .397 41
Houston 51 105 .327 45
Boston 57 99 .365 46

Standings prior to the games of September 23, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 82 68 .547
New York 98 52 .653
Cincinnati 81 69 .540 1
Cleveland 90 60 .600 8
Chicago 78 72 .520 4
Brooklyn 89 61 .593 9
Milwaukee 65 85 .433 17
Pittsburgh 76 74 .507 22
St. Louis 53 97 .353 29
Washington 72 78 .480 26
Kansas City 47 103 .313 35
Philadelphia 69 81 .460 29

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
San Francisco 93 57 .620
Toronto 98 52 .653
Los Angeles 92 58 .613 1
New York 88 62 .587 10
Seattle 79 71 .527 14
Montreal 78 72 .520 20
Chicago 71 79 .473 22
Baltimore 67 83 .447 31
Twin Cities 71 79 .473 22
Detroit 59 91 .393 39
Houston 48 102 .320 45
Boston 56 94 .373 42

Standings prior to the games of September 16, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 79 65 .549
New York 95 49 .660
Cincinnati 77 67 .535 2
Brooklyn 86 58 .597 9
Chicago 75 69 .521 4
Cleveland 86 58 .597 9
Milwaukee 60 84 .417 19
Pittsburgh 73 71 .507 22
St. Louis 51 93 .354 28
Washington 70 74 .486 25
Kansas City 46 98 .319 33
Philadelphia 66 78 .458 29

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 90 54 .625
Toronto 93 51 .646
San Francisco 87 57 .604 3
New York 86 58 .597 7
Seattle 76 68 .528 14
Montreal 75 69 .521 18
Twin Cities 70 74 .486 20
Baltimore 62 82 .431 31
Chicago 69 75 .479 21
Boston 56 88 .389 37
Houston 44 100 .306 46
Detroit 56 88 .389 37

Standings prior to the games of September 9, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 73 64 .533
New York 91 46 .664
Dallas 73 64 .533
Cleveland 84 53 .613 7
Chicago 70 67 .511 3
Brooklyn 82 55 .599 9
Milwaukee 59 78 .431 14
Pittsburgh 70 67 .511 21
St. Louis 47 90 .343 26
Washington 65 72 .474 26
Kansas City 45 92 .328 28
Philadelphia 63 74 .460 28

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 86 51 .628
Toronto 86 51 .628
San Francisco 81 56 .591 5
New York 81 56 .591 5
Seattle 73 64 .533 13
Montreal 72 65 .526 14
Chicago 68 69 .496 18
Baltimore 61 76 .445 25
Twin Cities 65 72 .474 21
Detroit 54 83 .394 32
Houston 42 95 .307 44
Boston 53 84 .387 33

Standings prior to the games of September 2, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 71 59 .546
New York 85 45 .654
Cincinnati 68 62 .523 3
Cleveland 80 50 .615 5
Chicago 66 64 .508 5
Brooklyn 79 51 .608 6
Milwaukee 56 74 .431 15
Pittsburgh 67 63 .515 18
Kansas City 43 87 .331 28
Philadelphia 61 69 .469 24
St. Louis 43 87 .331 28
Washington 61 69 .469 24

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 80 50 .615
Toronto 80 50 .615
San Francisco 78 52 .600 2
New York 76 54 .585 4
Seattle 68 62 .523 12
Montreal 68 62 .523 12
Chicago 65 65 .500 15
Baltimore 58 72 .446 22
Twin Cities 63 67 .485 17
Detroit 53 77 .408 27
Houston 40 90 .308 40
Boston 51 79 .392 29

Standings prior to the games of August 26, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 67 56 .545
New York 80 43 .650
Chicago 64 59 .520 3
Cleveland 78 45 .634 2
Cincinnati 62 61 .504 5
Brooklyn 73 50 .593 7
Milwaukee 52 71 .423 15
Pittsburgh 61 62 .496 19
Kansas City 43 80 .350 24
Philadelphia 58 65 .472 22
St. Louis 42 81 .341 25
Washington 58 65 .472 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 73 50 .593
Toronto 78 45 .634
San Francisco 73 50 .593
New York 72 51 .585 6
Seattle 64 59 .520 9
Montreal 63 60 .512 15
Chicago 61 62 .496 12
Baltimore 55 68 .447 23
Twin Cities 60 63 .488 13
Detroit 52 71 .423 26
Houston 38 85 .309 35
Boston 49 74 .398 29

Standings prior to the games of August 19, 1957
NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 64 53 .547
New York 75 42 .641
Cincinnati 62 55 .530 2
Cleveland 72 45 .615 3
Chicago 61 56 .521 3
Brooklyn 70 47 .598 5
Milwaukee 50 67 .427 14
Philadelphia 57 60 .487 18
Kansas City 43 74 .368 21
Pittsburgh 55 62 .470 20
St. Louis 39 78 .333 25
Washington 54 63 .462 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
San Francisco 69 48 .590
Toronto 78 39 .667
Los Angeles 68 49 .581 1
New York 68 49 .581 10
Seattle 60 57 .513 9
Montreal 60 57 .513 18
Chicago 58 59 .496 11
Baltimore 53 64 .453 25
Twin Cities 54 63 .462 15
Detroit 51 66 .436 27
Houston 36 81 .308 33
Boston 47 70 .402 31

Standings prior to the games of August 12, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 60 49 .550
Cleveland 69 40 .633
Cincinnati 57 52 .523 3
New York 69 40 .633
Chicago 57 52 .523 3
Brooklyn 66 43 .606 3
Milwaukee 46 63 .422 14
Philadelphia 54 55 .495 15
Kansas City 40 69 .367 20
Pittsburgh 50 59 .459 19
St. Louis 38 71 .349 22
Washington 48 61 .440 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 64 45 .587
Toronto 73 36 .670
San Francisco 63 46 .578 1
New York 64 45 .587 9
Seattle 55 54 .505 9
Montreal 56 53 .514 17
Chicago 51 58 .468 13
Baltimore 50 59 .459 23
Twin Cities 51 58 .468 13
Detroit 50 59 .459 23
Houston 35 74 .321 29
Boston 42 67 .385 31

Standings prior to the games of August 5, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 56 46 .549
Cleveland 65 37 .637
Dallas 55 47 .539 1
New York 65 37 .637
Chicago 52 50 .510 4
Brooklyn 62 40 .608 3
Milwaukee 41 61 .402 15
Philadelphia 51 51 .500 14
Kansas City 37 65 .363 19
Washington 47 55 .461 18
St. Louis 36 65 .353 20
Pittsburgh 45 57 .441 20

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 58 44 .569
Toronto 69 33 .676
San Francisco 58 44 .569
New York 61 41 .598 8
Chicago 50 52 .490 8
Montreal 53 49 .520 16
Seattle 50 52 .490 8
Baltimore 47 55 .461 22
Twin Cities 48 54 .471 10
Detroit 46 56 .451 23
Houston 34 68 .333 24
Boston 38 64 .373 31

Standings prior to the games of July 29, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 51 45 .531
New York 63 33 .656
Dallas 51 45 .531
Cleveland 62 34 .646 1
Chicago 48 48 .500 3
Brooklyn 59 37 .615 4
Milwaukee 40 56 .417 11
Philadelphia 47 49 .490 16
Kansas City 34 62 .354 17
Washington 46 50 .479 17
St. Louis 34 62 .354 17
Pittsburgh 41 55 .427 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 55 41 .573
Toronto 64 32 .667
San Francisco 55 41 .573
New York 58 38 .604 6
Chicago 48 48 .500 7
Montreal 49 47 .510 15
Seattle 48 48 .500 7
Baltimore 45 51 .469 19
Twin Cities 46 50 .479 9
Detroit 42 54 .438 22
Houston 31 65 .323 24
Boston 35 61 .365 29

Standings prior to the games of July 22, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 48 41 .539
Cleveland 59 30 .663
Dallas 48 41 .539
New York 57 32 .640 2
Chicago 43 46 .483 5
Brooklyn 55 34 .618 4
Milwaukee 37 52 .416 11
Philadelphia 44 45 .494 15
Kansas City 32 57 .360 16
Washington 43 46 .482 16
St. Louis 31 58 .348 17
Pittsburgh 37 52 .416 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 53 36 .596
Toronto 59 30 .663
San Francisco 49 40 .551 4
New York 52 37 .584 7
Chicago 46 43 .517 7
Montreal 47 42 .528 12
Seattle 45 44 .506 8
Baltimore 40 49 .449 19
Twin Cities 42 47 .472 11
Detroit 38 51 .427 21
Houston 29 60 .326 24
Boston 34 55 .382 25

Standings prior to the games of July 15, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 45 39 .536
Cleveland 57 27 .679
Dallas 45 39 .536
New York 53 31 .631 4
Chicago 40 44 .476 5
Brooklyn 50 34 .595 7
Milwaukee 37 47 .440 8
Philadelphia 42 42 .500 15
Kansas City 31 53 .369 14
Washington 39 45 .464 18
St. Louis 30 54 .357 15
Pittsburgh 35 49 .417 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 48 36 .571
Toronto 55 29 .655
San Francisco 44 40 .524 4
New York 52 32 .619 3
Chicago 43 41 .512 5
Montreal 46 38 .548 9
Seattle 42 42 .500 6
Baltimore 38 46 .452 17
Twin Cities 38 46 .452 10
Detroit 36 48 .429 19
Houston 28 56 .333 20
Boston 34 50 .405 21

Standings prior to the games of July 8, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 43 34 .558
Cleveland 53 24 .688
Dallas 42 35 .545 1
New York 50 27 .649 3
Chicago 35 42 .455 8
Brooklyn 45 32 .584 8
Milwaukee 33 44 .429 10
Philadelphia 40 37 .519 13
Kansas City 28 49 .364 15
Washington 36 41 .468 17
St. Louis 26 51 .338 17
Pittsburgh 31 46 .403 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 45 32 .584
Toronto 52 25 .675
San Francisco 42 35 .545 3
New York 48 29 .623 4
Chicago 41 36 .532 4
Montreal 43 34 .558 9
Seattle 37 40 .481 8
Baltimore 34 43 .442 18
Twin Cities 33 44 .429 12
Detroit 32 45 .416 20
Houston 24 53 .312 21
Boston 31 46 .403 21

Standings prior to the games of July 1, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 38 32 .543
Cleveland 47 23 .671
Dallas 37 33 .529 1
New York 45 25 .643 2
Chicago 33 37 .471 5
Brooklyn 41 29 .586 6
Milwaukee 32 38 .457 6
Philadelphia 36 34 .514 11
Kansas City 24 46 .343 14
Washington 35 35 .500 12
St. Louis 22 48 .314 16
Pittsburgh 30 40 .429 17

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 41 29 .586
Toronto 49 21 .700
San Francisco 40 30 .571 1
New York 44 26 .629 5
Chicago 37 33 .529 4
Montreal 38 32 .543 11
Seattle 30 40 .429 11
Baltimore 31 39 .443 18
Twin Cities 29 41 .414 12
Detroit 30 40 .429 19
Houston 24 46 .343 17
Boston 27 43 .386 22

Standings prior to the games of June 24, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 36 27 .571
Cleveland 44 19 .698
Cincinnati 35 28 .556 1
New York 42 21 .667 2
Milwaukee 30 33 .476 6
Brooklyn 37 26 .587 7
Chicago 27 36 .429 9
Washington 33 30 .524 11
St. Louis 20 43 .317 16
Philadelphia 30 33 .476 14
Kansas City 19 44 .302 17
Pittsburgh 25 38 .397 19

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 37 26 .587
Toronto 44 19 .698
San Francisco 35 28 .556 2
New York 39 24 .619 5
Chicago 33 30 .524 4
Montreal 34 29 .550 10
Twin Cities 26 37 .413 11
Baltimore 28 35 .444 16
Seattle 25 38 .397 12
Detroit 28 35 .444 16
Houston 23 40 .365 14
Boston 26 37 .413 18

Standings prior to the games of June 17, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 34 23 .596
New York 40 17 .702
Dallas 32 25 .561 2
Cleveland 39 18 .684 1
Milwaukee 28 29 .491 6
Brooklyn 33 24 .579 7
Chicago 22 35 .386 12
Philadelphia 29 28 .509 11
Kansas City 18 39 .316 16
Washington 28 29 .491 12
St. Louis 18 39 .316 16
Pittsburgh 21 36 .368 19

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 36 21 .632
Toronto 39 18 .684
San Francisco 31 26 .544 5
New York 33 24 .579 6
Chicago 30 27 .526 6
Montreal 30 27 .526 9
Seattle 25 32 .439 11
Baltimore 26 31 .456 13
Twin Cities 24 33 .421 12
Detroit 24 33 .421 15
Houston 22 35 .386 14
Boston 22 35 .386 17

Standings prior to the games of June 10, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 32 19 .627
Cleveland 35 16 .686
Dallas 29 22 .569 3
New York 35 16 .686
Milwaukee 26 25 .510 6
Brooklyn 29 22 .569 6
Chicago 19 32 .373 13
Philadelphia 26 25 .510 9
St. Louis 18 33 .353 14
Washington 23 28 .451 12
Kansas City 17 34 .333 15
Pittsburgh 17 34 .333 18

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 31 20 .608
Toronto 35 16 .686
San Francisco 26 25 .510 5
New York 30 21 .588 5
Chicago 25 26 .490 6
Montreal 27 24 .529 8
Seattle 22 29 .431 9
Baltimore 25 26 .490 10
Twin Cities 22 29 .431 9
Detroit 23 28 .451 12
Houston 20 31 .392 11
Boston 20 31 .392 15

Standings prior to the games of June 3, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 27 18 .600
Cleveland 30 14 .682
Dallas 24 21 .533 3
New York 29 15 .659 1
Milwaukee 23 22 .511 4
Brooklyn 27 17 .614 3
Kansas City 17 27 .386 9.5
Philadelphia 22 22 .500 8
Chicago 16 28 .364 10.5
Washington 19 25 .432 11
St. Louis 16 29 .356 11
Pittsburgh 16 28 .364 14

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 26 18 .591
Toronto 30 15 .667
San Francisco 22 22 .500 4
New York 25 19 .568 4.5
Seattle 21 23 .477 5
Montreal 24 21 .533 6
Chicago 20 24 .455 6
Detroit 21 23 .477 8.5
Twin Cities 20 24 .455 6
Baltimore 20 25 .444 10
Houston 19 25 .432 7
Boston 18 27 .400 12

Standings prior to the games of May 27, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 21 15 .583
Cleveland 27 9 .750
Dallas 18 18 .500 3
Brooklyn 23 13 .639 4
Milwaukee 16 20 .444 5
New York 21 15 .583 6
Kansas City 15 21 .417 6
Philadelphia 20 16 .556 7
St. Louis 14 22 .389 7
Washington 15 21 .417 12
Chicago 13 23 .361 8
Pittsburgh 13 23 .361 14

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Los Angeles 20 16 .556
Toronto 23 13 .639
Houston 18 18 .500 2
New York 19 17 .528 4
Twin Cities 18 18 .500 2
Baltimore 18 18 .500 5
San Francisco 17 19 .472 3
Montreal 18 18 .500 5
Chicago 16 20 .444 4
Boston 17 19 .472 6
Seattle 15 21 .417 5
Detroit 17 19 .472 6

Standings prior to the games of May 20, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 17 13 .567
Cleveland 23 7 .767
Dallas 15 15 .500 2
New York 19 11 .633 4
Milwaukee 14 16 .467 3
Brooklyn 18 12 .600 5
Kansas City 12 18 .400 5
Philadelphia 18 12 .600 5
Chicago 11 19 .367 6
Washington 12 18 .400 11
St. Louis 11 19 .367 6
Pittsburgh 10 20 .333 13

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Twin Cities 16 14 .533
Toronto 19 11 .633
Houston 15 15 .500 1
Boston 16 14 .533 3
Los Angeles 15 15 .500 1
New York 16 14 .533 3
Chicago 14 16 .467 2
Baltimore 15 15 .500 4
San Francisco 13 17 .433 3
Montreal 15 15 .500 4
Seattle 12 18 .400 4
Detroit 14 16 .467 5

Standings prior to the games of May 13, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 16 8 .667
Cleveland 17 7 .708
Dallas 11 13 .458 5
Brooklyn 14 10 .583 3
Kansas City 11 13 .458 5
New York 14 10 .583 3
Milwaukee 11 13 .458 5
Philadelphia 14 10 .583 3
Chicago 10 14 .417 6
Washington 10 14 .417 7
St. Louis 9 15 .375 7
Pittsburgh 7 17 .292 10

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 13 11 .542
Toronto 15 9 .625
Twin Cities 13 11 .542
Boston 13 11 .542 2
Los Angeles 12 12 .500 1
Montreal 13 11 .542 2
Chicago 11 13 .458 2
New York 12 12 .500 3
San Francisco 10 14 .417 3
Baltimore 11 13 .458 4
Seattle 10 14 .417 3
Detroit 11 13 .458 4

Standings prior to the games of May 6, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 11 7 .611
Cleveland 13 5 .722
Milwaukee 10 8 .556 1
Brooklyn 11 7 .611 2
Dallas 9 9 .500 2
New York 11 7 .611 2
Chicago 8 10 .444 3
Philadelphia 11 7 .611 2
Kansas City 8 10 .444 3
Washington 6 12 .333 7
St. Louis 8 10 .444 3
Pittsburgh 2 16 .111 11

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Twin Cities 11 7 .611
Toronto 11 7 .611
Houston 10 8 .556 1
Montreal 10 8 .556 1
Chicago 9 9 .500 2
Boston 9 9 .500 2
Los Angeles 9 9 .500 2
New York 9 9 .500 2
Seattle 8 10 .444 3
Baltimore 8 10 .444 3
San Francisco 7 11 .389 4
Detroit 7 11 .389 4

Standings prior to the games of April 29, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Cincinnati 8 4 .667
Cleveland 10 2 .833
Dallas 7 5 .583 1
Brooklyn 7 5 .583 3
Milwaukee 6 6 .500 2
New York 7 5 .583 3
Chicago 5 7 .417 3
Philadelphia 7 5 .583 3
Kansas City 5 7 .417 3
Washington 4 8 .333 6
St. Louis 5 7 .417 3
Pittsburgh 1 11 .083 9

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Twin Cities 9 3 .750
Montreal 8 4 .667
Seattle 7 5 .583 2
Toronto 8 4 .667
Chicago 5 7 .417 4
Boston 6 6 .500 2
Houston 5 7 .417 4
New York 6 6 .500 2
Los Angeles 5 7 .417 4
Baltimore 5 7 .417 3
San Francisco 5 7 .417 4
Detroit 7 9 .250 5

Standings prior to the games of April 22, 1957

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 5 1 .833
Brooklyn 5 1 .833
Cincinnati 4 2 .667 1
Cleveland 5 1 .833
Kansas City 3 3 .500 2
New York 3 3 .500 2
St. Louis 3 3 .500 2
Philadelphia 3 3 .500 2
Milwaukee 2 4 .333 3
Washington 2 4 .333 3
Chicago 1 5 .167 4
Pittsburgh 0 6 .000 5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 4 2 .667
Montreal 4 2 .667
Seattle 4 2 .667
New York 4 2 .667
Twin Cities 4 2 .500
Boston 3 3 .500 1
Chicago 2 4 .500 2
Toronto 3 3 .500 1
Los Angeles 2 4 .333 2
Baltimore 2 4 .333 2
San Francisco 2 4 .333 2
Detroit 2 4 .333 2

◀ 1956 weekly standings   |   1958 weekly standings ▶

The 1950’s