1968 Weekly Standings

1968 Season

Final Standings

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
St. Louis 92 70 .568 
New York 92 70 .568 
Denver 86 76 .531 6
Brooklyn 91 71 .562 1
Kansas City 86 76 .531 6
Pittsburgh 90 72 .556 2
Chicago 76 86 .469 16
Philadelphia 82 80 .506 10
Los Angeles 71 91 .438 21
Cincinnati 81 81 .500 11
San Diego 71 91 .438 21
Washington 78 84 .481 14
Milwaukee 67 95 .414 25
Cleveland 71 91 .438 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 106 56 .654 
Detroit 111 51 .685 
San Francisco 86 76 .531 20
Boston 90 72 .556 21
Chicago 80 82 .494 26
Montreal 84 78 .519 27
Houston 77 85 .475 29
Baltimore 79 83 .488 32
Seattle 77 85 .475 29
New York 77 85 .475 34
Twin Cities 77 85 .475 29
Toronto 77 85 .475 34
Los Angeles 49 113 .302 57
Atlanta 64 98 .395 47

Standings prior to the games of September 23, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
St. Louis 88 67 .568 
New York 90 65 .581 
Kansas City 84 72 .538 4.5
Brooklyn 87 69 .558 3.5
Denver 83 73 .532 5.5
Pittsburgh 87 69 .558 3.5
Chicago 73 83 .468 15.5
Cincinnati 79 76 .510 11
San Diego 68 88 .436 20.5
Philadelphia 79 76 .510 11
Los Angeles 66 90 .423 22.5
Washington 73 82 .471 17
Milwaukee 64 91 .413 24
Cleveland 68 88 .436 22.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 103 53 .660 
Detroit 105 51 .673 
San Francisco 82 73 .529 20.5
Boston 88 68 .564 17
Chicago 76 79 .490 26.5
Montreal 79 76 .510 25.5
Houston 76 80 .487 27
New York 76 80 .487 29
Seattle 76 80 .487 27
Baltimore 74 81 .477 30.5
Twin Cities 73 83 .468 30
Toronto 74 82 .474 31
Los Angeles 46 110 .295 57
Atlanta 62 94 .397 48

Standings prior to the games of September 16, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
St. Louis 83 67 .557 
New York 87 62 .584 
Kansas City 80 70 .533 3.5
Pittsburgh 83 66 .557 4
Denver 77 72 .517 6
Brooklyn 83 67 .553 4.5
Chicago 71 78 .477 12
Philadelphia 77 72 .517 10
San Diego 66 84 .440 17.5
Cincinnati 76 73 .510 11
Milwaukee 63 85 .426 19.5
Washington 70 79 .470 17
Los Angeles 62 87 .416 21
Cleveland 66 83 .443 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 100 50 .667 
Detroit 101 49 .673 
San Francisco 80 69 .537 19.5
Boston 84 66 .560 17
Houston 74 76 .493 26
Montreal 76 73 .510 24.5
Chicago 73 76 .490 26.5
New York 73 77 .487 28
Seattle 71 78 .477 28.5
Baltimore 72 77 .483 28.5
Twin Cities 69 80 .463 30.5
Toronto 70 79 .470 30.5
Los Angeles 44 106 .293 56
Atlanta 59 90 .396 41.5

Standings prior to the games of September 9, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
St. Louis 81 62 .566 
New York 85 58 .594 
Kansas City 79 64 .552 2
Pittsburgh 80 63 .559 5
Denver 70 72 .493 10.5
Brooklyn 78 66 .542 7.5
Chicago 67 76 .469 14
Cincinnati 73 69 .514 11.5
San Diego 64 80 .444 17.5
Philadelphia 73 69 .514 11.5
Los Angeles 61 82 .427 20
Washington 68 75 .476 17
Milwaukee 59 83 .415 21.5
Cleveland 62 81 .434 23

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 97 46 .678 
Detroit 98 45 .685 
San Francisco 77 66 .538 20
Boston 81 62 .566 17
Houston 74 69 .517 23
Montreal 72 70 .507 25.5
Chicago 70 73 .490 27
Baltimore 69 73 .486 28.5
Seattle 67 75 .472 29.5
New York 69 74 .483 29
Twin Cities 63 79 .444 33.5
Toronto 66 76 .465 31.5
Los Angeles 42 102 .292 55.5
Atlanta 54 89 .378 44

Standings prior to the games of September 2, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
St. Louis 77 59 .566 
New York 80 57 .584 
Kansas City 75 61 .551 2
Pittsburgh 74 63 .540 6
Denver 69 67 .507 8
Brooklyn 74 64 .536 6.5
Chicago 65 71 .478 12
Cincinnati 72 64 .529 7.5
San Diego 62 76 .449 16
Philadelphia 67 68 .496 12
Los Angeles 58 78 .426 19
Washington 63 73 .463 16.5
Milwaukee 57 79 .419 20
Cleveland 61 74 .452 18

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 95 41 .699 
Detroit 92 45 .672 
San Francisco 75 62 .547 20.5
Boston 80 57 .584 12
Chicago 69 68 .504 26.5
Montreal 69 67 .507 22.5
Houston 68 68 .500 27
Baltimore 68 68 .500 23.5
Seattle 64 72 .471 31
New York 64 72 .471 27.5
Twin Cities 59 76 .437 35.5
Toronto 61 75 .449 30.5
Los Angeles 40 98 .290 56
Atlanta 51 86 .372 41

Standings prior to the games of August 26, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 73 57 .562 
New York 77 54 .588 
St. Louis 73 57 .562 
Pittsburgh 71 60 .542 6
Denver 64 66 .492 9
Brooklyn 71 61 .538 6.5
Chicago 61 69 .469 12
Cincinnati 69 61 .531 7.5
San Diego 59 73 .447 15
Philadelphia 63 66 .488 13
Los Angeles 57 73 .438 16
Cleveland 60 69 .465 16
Milwaukee 54 76 .415 19
Washington 60 70 .462 16.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 89 40 .690 
Detroit 87 44 .664 
San Francisco 71 60 .542 19
Boston 78 53 .595 9
Chicago 65 66 .496 25
Baltimore 66 64 .508 20.5
Houston 64 65 .496 25
Montreal 65 65 .500 21.5
Seattle 63 67 .485 26.5
New York 61 69 .469 25.5
Twin Cities 58 71 .450 31
Toronto 56 74 .431 30.5
Los Angeles 39 93 .295 51.5
Atlanta 50 81 .382 37

Standings prior to the games of August 19, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 69 53 .566 
New York 73 52 .584 
St. Louis 67 55 .549 2
Brooklyn 69 56 .552 4
Denver 61 63 .492 9
Pittsburgh 67 58 .536 6
Chicago 58 66 .468 12
Cincinnati 65 59 .524 7.5
San Diego 58 67 .464 12.5
Philadelphia 57 65 .467 14.5
Los Angeles 56 68 .452 14
Washington 57 66 .463 15
Milwaukee 52 71 .423 17.5
Cleveland 56 66 .459 15.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 85 38 .691 
Detroit 83 42 .664 
San Francisco 67 58 .536 19
Boston 73 51 .589 9.5
Houston 62 61 .504 23
Montreal 63 60 .512 19
Seattle 62 62 .500 23.5
Baltimore 62 61 .504 20
Chicago 61 64 .488 25
New York 57 67 .460 25.5
Twin Cities 57 67 .460 28.5
Toronto 54 69 .439 28
Los Angeles 35 91 .278 51.5
Atlanta 47 77 .379 35.5

Standings prior to the games of August 12, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 64 52 .552 
New York 70 48 .593 
St. Louis 62 53 .539 1.5
Brooklyn 66 52 .559 4
Denver 59 57 .509 5
Pittsburgh 63 54 .538 6.5
Chicago 54 62 .466 10
Cincinnati 62 55 .530 7.5
San Diego 54 64 .458 11
Philadelphia 57 59 .491 12
Los Angeles 52 65 .444 12.5
Washington 53 64 .453 16.5
Milwaukee 48 68 .414 16
Cleveland 52 63 .452 16.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 80 36 .690 
Detroit 78 40 .661 
San Francisco 63 54 .538 17.5
Boston 69 49 .585 9
Houston 58 57 .504 21.5
Baltimore 59 57 .509 18
Chicago 59 58 .504 21.5
Montreal 59 58 .504 18.5
Seattle 57 59 .491 23
New York 54 63 .462 23.5
Twin Cities 57 61 .483 24
Toronto 52 64 .448 25
Los Angeles 30 89 .252 51.5
Atlanta 44 74 .373 34

Standings prior to the games of August 5, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 60 49 .550 
New York 67 44 .604 
St. Louis 55 53 .509 4.5
Brooklyn 62 48 .564 4.5
Denver 56 54 .509 4.5
Cincinnati 59 51 .536 7.5
Chicago 53 56 .486 7
Pittsburgh 57 53 .518 9.5
San Diego 52 59 .468 9
Philadelphia 53 56 .486 13
Los Angeles 49 61 .445 11.5
Cleveland 50 58 .463 15.5
Milwaukee 45 64 .413 15
Washington 49 61 .445 17.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 76 34 .691 
Detroit 72 38 .655 
San Francisco 60 51 .541 16.5
Boston 67 44 .604 6.5
Chicago 56 55 .505 20.5
Baltimore 54 55 .495 17.5
Houston 55 54 .505 20.5
Montreal 54 55 .495 17.5
Seattle 55 54 .505 20.5
Toronto 49 59 .454 22
Twin Cities 51 60 .459 25.5
New York 49 60 .450 22.5
Los Angeles 29 84 .257 48.5
Atlanta 43 67 .391 29

Standings prior to the games of July 22, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 55 41 .573 
New York 59 39 .602 
Chicago 49 47 .510 6
Brooklyn 54 43 .557 2.5
Denver 49 47 .510 6
Cincinnati 52 46 .531 7
St. Louis 47 49 .490 8
Pittsburgh 51 47 .520 8
San Diego 46 52 .469 10
Cleveland 47 49 .490 11
Los Angeles 43 53 .448 12
Philadelphia 46 51 .474 12.5
Milwaukee 39 58 .402 16.5
Washington 41 56 .423 17.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 67 30 .691 
Detroit 67 30 .691 
Houston 52 43 .547 14
Boston 57 41 .582 10.5
San Francisco 53 44 .546 14
Montreal 49 46 .516 17
Seattle 48 47 .505 18
Baltimore 48 48 .500 18.5
Chicago 47 50 .485 20
New York 44 50 .468 21.5
Twin Cities 45 53 .459 22.5
Toronto 44 52 .458 22.5
Los Angeles 21 77 .214 46.5
Atlanta 33 64 .340 34

Standings prior to the games of July 15, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 50 38 .568 
New York 55 36 .604 
Denver 46 43 .517 4.5
Brooklyn 52 38 .578 2.5
Chicago 45 43 .511 5
Pittsburgh 48 42 .533 6.5
St. Louis 43 45 .489 7
Cincinnati 47 43 .522 7.5
San Diego 44 47 .484 7.5
Philadelphia 44 45 .494 10
Los Angeles 39 50 .438 11.5
Cleveland 42 46 .477 11.5
Milwaukee 34 55 .382 16.5
Washington 36 54 .400 18.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 60 29 .674 
Detroit 61 28 .685 
Houston 51 36 .586 8
Boston 51 39 .567 10.5
San Francisco 49 41 .544 11.5
Baltimore 46 43 .517 15
Seattle 45 43 .511 14.5
Montreal 45 43 .511 15.5
Chicago 44 45 .494 16
New York 41 46 .471 19
Twin Cities 40 50 .444 20.5
Toronto 39 49 .443 21.5
Los Angeles 19 72 .209 42
Atlanta 31 58 .348 30

Standings prior to the games of July 8, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 46 38 .548 
New York 51 35 .593 
St. Louis 43 41 .512 3
Brooklyn 49 36 .576 
Denver 43 42 .506 3.5
Cincinnati 47 39 .547 4
Chicago 42 42 .500 4
Pittsburgh 46 39 .541 4.5
San Diego 43 44 .494 4.5
Cleveland 40 43 .482 9.5
Los Angeles 38 47 .447 8.5
Philadelphia 40 44 .476 10
Milwaukee 31 54 .365 15.5
Washington 35 50 .412 15.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 55 29 .655 
Detroit 59 26 .694 
Houston 49 34 .590 5.5
Boston 49 36 .576 10
San Francisco 49 36 .576 6.5
Baltimore 43 41 .512 15.5
Seattle 43 41 .512 12
Montreal 41 42 .494 17
Chicago 42 43 .494 13.5
Toronto 38 45 .458 20
Twin Cities 37 48 .435 18.5
New York 37 46 .446 21
Los Angeles 17 69 .198 39
Atlanta 31 54 .365 28

Standings prior to the games of July 1, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 42 34 .553 
Brooklyn 46 32 .590 
Chicago 40 38 .513 3
New York 46 32 .590 
San Diego 39 40 .494 4.5
Cincinnati 44 35 .557 2.5
Denver 38 39 .494 4.5
Pittsburgh 42 37 .532 4.5
St. Louis 38 39 .494 4.5
Cleveland 37 39 .487 8
Los Angeles 36 42 .462 7
Philadelphia 34 42 .447 11
Milwaukee 29 48 .377 13.5
Washington 32 46 .410 14

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 49 27 .645 
Detroit 52 26 .667 
San Francisco 46 31 .597 3.5
Boston 46 33 .582 6.5
Houston 45 31 .592 4
Montreal 40 37 .519 11.5
Seattle 40 36 .526 9
Baltimore 39 38 .506 12.5
Chicago 38 40 .487 12
New York 36 40 .474 15
Twin Cities 32 45 .416 17.5
Toronto 35 41 .461 17.5
Los Angeles 14 64 .179 36
Atlanta 28 51 .354 25.5

Standings prior to the games of June 24, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 38 31 .551 
Brooklyn 43 29 .597 
Denver 37 33 .529 1.5
New York 43 29 .597 
Chicago 37 35 .514 2.5
Cincinnati 41 32 .562 2.5
San Diego 36 36 .500 3.5
Pittsburgh 37 36 .507 6.5
St. Louis 34 36 .486 4.5
Cleveland 34 36 .486 8
Los Angeles 33 39 .458 6.5
Philadelphia 32 38 .457 10
Milwaukee 26 45 .366 13
Washington 28 44 .389 15

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 45 25 .643 
Detroit 49 22 .690 
San Francisco 44 27 .620 1.5
Boston 43 29 .597 6.5
Houston 42 28 .600 3
Montreal 37 33 .529 11.5
Seattle 38 32 .543 7
Baltimore 35 36 .493 14
Chicago 33 38 .465 12.5
New York 33 36 .478 15
Twin Cities 28 43 .394 17.5
Toronto 31 39 .443 17.5
Los Angeles 12 59 .169 33.5
Atlanta 24 47 .338 25

Standings prior to the games of June 17, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Kansas City 36 26 .581 
Brooklyn 42 24 .636 
Denver 34 30 .531 3
New York 39 27 .591 3
Chicago 34 31 .523 3.5
Cincinnati 37 29 .561 5
San Diego 31 35 .470 7
Cleveland 32 31 .508 8.5
St. Louis 29 34 .460 7.5
Pittsburgh 33 33 .500 9
Los Angeles 29 37 .439 9
Philadelphia 29 34 .460 11.5
Milwaukee 24 40 .375 13
Washington 24 42 .364 18

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 40 23 .635 
Detroit 44 21 .677 
San Francisco 41 24 .631 
Boston 39 27 .591 5.5
Houston 39 25 .609 1.5
Baltimore 34 31 .523 10
Seattle 34 30 .531 6.5
Montreal 33 31 .516 10.5
Chicago 31 33 .484 9.5
New York 29 34 .460 14
Twin Cities 26 39 .400 15
Toronto 28 36 .438 15.5
Los Angeles 11 54 .169 30
Atlanta 22 43 .338 22

Standings prior to the games of June 10, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 33 25 .569 
Brooklyn 38 22 .633 
Kansas City 30 25 .545 1.5
New York 37 23 .617 1
Chicago 31 28 .525 2.5
Cincinnati 33 26 .559 4.5
Los Angeles 28 31 .475 5.5
Pittsburgh 31 28 .525 6.5
San Diego 26 33 .441 7.5
Cleveland 29 28 .509 7.5
St. Louis 24 33 .421 8.5
Philadelphia 28 29 .491 8.5
Milwaukee 22 35 .386 10.5
Washington 18 42 .300 20

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 37 19 .661 
Detroit 38 20 .655 
San Francisco 34 24 .586 4
Boston 39 21 .650 
Houston 33 25 .569 5
New York 29 28 .509 8.5
Seattle 33 25 .569 5
Baltimore 28 31 .475 10.5
Chicago 29 29 .500 9
Montreal 27 30 .474 10.5
Twin Cities 23 35 .397 15
Toronto 23 33 .411 14
Los Angeles 11 47 .190 27
Atlanta 20 37 .351 17.5

Standings prior to the games of June 3, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 29 23 .558 
Brooklyn 36 17 .679 
Chicago 28 24 .538 1
New York 31 21 .596 4.5
Kansas City 24 25 .490 3.5
Pittsburgh 29 23 .558 6.5
St. Louis 24 27 .471 4.5
Cincinnati 28 24 .538 7.5
Los Angeles 24 29 .453 5.5
Philadelphia 25 24 .510 9
Milwaukee 20 30 .400 8
Cleveland 24 25 .490 10
San Diego 20 31 .392 8.5
Washington 17 36 .321 19

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 34 16 .680 
Boston 36 16 .692 
Houston 31 21 .596 4
Detroit 33 18 .647 2.5
San Francisco 30 21 .596 4.5
New York 25 25 .500 10
Seattle 29 22 .569 5.5
Baltimore 24 27 .471 11.5
Chicago 26 26 .500 9
Montreal 24 27 .471 11.5
Twin Cities 19 32 .373 15.5
Toronto 20 30 .400 15
Los Angeles 8 43 .157 26.5
Atlanta 18 33 .353 17.5

Standings prior to the games of May 27, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 26 19 .578 
Brooklyn 30 16 .652 
Chicago 26 20 .565 .5
New York 27 19 .587 3
Kansas City 21 22 .488 4
Cincinnati 25 21 .543 5
St. Louis 20 24 .455 5.5
Philadelphia 23 20 .535 5.5
Los Angeles 20 25 .444 6
Pittsburgh 24 22 .522 6
San Diego 18 27 .400 8
Cleveland 22 21 .512 6.5
Milwaukee 16 28 .364 9.5
Washington 16 30 .348 14

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 30 14 .682 
Boston 35 10 .778 
San Francisco 25 19 .568 5
Detroit 28 17 .622 7
Houston 25 20 .556 5.5
New York 23 21 .523 11.5
Seattle 23 20 .535 6.5
Montreal 21 23 .477 13.5
Chicago 24 22 .522 7
Baltimore 20 25 .444 15
Twin Cities 17 28 .378 13.5
Toronto 16 27 .372 18
Los Angeles 8 35 .186 21.5
Atlanta 15 29 .341 19.5

Standings prior to the games of May 20, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 25 13 .658 
New York 24 15 .615 
Chicago 21 17 .553 4
Brooklyn 23 16 .590 1
Kansas City 19 17 .528 5
Cleveland 20 17 .541 3
Los Angeles 17 21 .447 8
Cincinnati 20 19 .513 4
Milwaukee 15 23 .395 10
Pittsburgh 20 19 .513 4
San Diego 14 24 .368 11
Philadelphia 18 18 .500 4.5
St. Louis 13 23 .361 11
Washington 16 23 .410 8

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 25 12 .676 
Boston 29 9 .763 
Chicago 22 16 .579 3.5
Detroit 24 14 .632 5
San Francisco 21 16 .568 4
New York 20 18 .526 9
Seattle 20 16 .556 4.5
Montreal 18 20 .474 11
Houston 19 18 .514 6
Baltimore 17 21 .447 12
Twin Cities 15 23 .395 10.5
Toronto 15 21 .417 13
Los Angeles 6 31 .162 19
Atlanta 11 27 .289 18

Standings prior to the games of May 13, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 21 11 .656 
New York 20 12 .625 
Chicago 17 15 .531 4
Brooklyn 19 13 .594 1
Los Angeles 17 15 .531 4
Cleveland 18 13 .581 1.5
Kansas City 15 15 .500 5
Cincinnati 18 15 .545 2.5
Milwaukee 13 19 .406 8
Pittsburgh 15 17 .469 5
St. Louis 10 20 .333 10
Philadelphia 14 16 .467 5
San Diego 10 22 .312 11
Washington 14 18 .438 6

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 22 9 .710 
Boston 24 8 .750 
Chicago 20 12 .625 2.5
Detroit 19 13 .594 5
San Francisco 18 13 .581 4
New York 16 16 .500 8
Houston 16 15 .516 6
Baltimore 15 17 .469 9
Seattle 15 15 .500 6.5
Montreal 15 17 .469 9
Twin Cities 13 19 .406 9.5
Toronto 12 18 .400 11
Los Angeles 4 27 .129 18
Atlanta 11 21 .344 13

Standings prior to the games of May 6, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 17 9 .654 
Brooklyn 17 8 .680 
Chicago 15 11 .577 2
Cleveland 14 11 .560 3
Kansas City 13 11 .542 3
New York 14 11 .560 3
Los Angeles 14 12 .538 3
Cincinnati 14 13 .519 4
Milwaukee 9 17 .346 8
Pittsburgh 12 13 .480 5
St. Louis 8 16 .333 8
Washington 12 13 .480 5
San Diego 8 18 .308 9
Philadelphia 10 14 .417 6.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 18 7 .720 
Boston 19 6 .760 
San Francisco 15 10 .600 3
Detroit 14 11 .560 5
Seattle 14 10 .583 3.5
Baltimore 13 12 .520 6
Chicago 14 11 .560 4
Montreal 12 13 .480 7
Houston 14 11 .560 4
New York 10 15 .400 9
Twin Cities 10 15 .400 8
Toronto 9 15 .375 9.5
Los Angeles 3 22 .120 15
Atlanta 9 16 .360 10

Standings prior to the games of April 29, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 13 6 .684 
Brooklyn 12 7 .632 
Kansas City 10 8 .556 2.5
Cincinnati 12 7 .632 
Los Angeles 11 9 .550 2.5
Cleveland 11 7 .611 .5
Chicago 10 9 .526 3
New York 11 8 .579 1
St. Louis 7 11 .389 5.5
Washington 8 11 .421 4
Milwaukee 7 12 .368 6
Philadelphia 7 11 .389 4.5
San Diego 5 14 .263 8
Pittsburgh 7 11 .389 4.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 14 5 .737 
Boston 13 6 .684 
San Francisco 13 6 .684 1
Detroit 11 8 .579 2
Seattle 11 7 .611 2.5
Baltimore 10 9 .526 3
Houston 11 8 .579 3
Montreal 9 10 .474 4
Chicago 9 10 .474 5
New York 8 11 .421 5
Twin Cities 8 11 .421 6
Toronto 7 11 .389 5.5
Los Angeles 2 17 .105 12
Atlanta 6 13 .316 7

Standings prior to the games of April 22, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 10 3 .769 
New York 9 3 .750 
Los Angeles 8 5 .615 2
Brooklyn 8 5 .615 1.5
Kansas City 7 5 .583 2.5
Cincinnati 8 5 .615 1.5
Chicago 7 6 .538 3
Cleveland 6 6 .500 3
Milwaukee 6 7 .462 4
Washington 5 8 .385 4.5
San Diego 3 9 .250 6.5
Pittsburgh 4 7 .364 4.5
St. Louis 3 9 .250 6.5
Philadelphia 3 9 .250 6

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Dallas 9 3 .750 
Baltimore 9 4 .692 
San Francisco 9 3 .750 
Boston 8 5 .615 1
Houston 8 4 .667 1
Detroit 7 5 .583 1.5
Chicago 6 6 .500 3
Toronto 7 5 .583 1.5
Seattle 6 6 .500 3
Montreal 5 8 .385 4
Twin Cities 4 8 .333 5
New York 4 8 .333 4.5
Los Angeles 1 11 .083 8
Atlanta 3 10 .231 6

Standings prior to the games of April 15, 1968

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 5 1 .833 
Cincinnati 4 2 .667 
Chicago 4 2 .667 1
New York 4 2 .667 
Milwaukee 4 2 .667 1
Pittsburgh 3 2 .600 .5
Los Angeles 3 3 .500 2
Brooklyn 3 3 .500 1
Kansas City 2 4 .333 3
Cleveland 3 3 .500 1
St. Louis 2 4 .333 3
Washington 2 4 .333 2
San Diego 1 5 .167 4
Philadelphia 1 4 .200 2.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Seattle 5 1 .833 
Baltimore 6 0 1.000 
Dallas 4 2 .667 1
Toronto 4 2 .667 2
San Francisco 4 2 .667 1
Boston 3 3 .500 3
Chicago 3 3 .500 2
Detroit 3 3 .500 3
Houston 2 4 .333 3
Atlanta 2 4 .333 4
Twin Cities 2 4 .333 3
New York 2 4 .333 4
Los Angeles 1 5 .167 4
Montreal 1 5 .167 5

◀ 1967 weekly standings   |   1969 weekly standings ▶

The 1960’s