1970 Weekly Standings

1970 Season

Final Standings

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 101 61 .623 
Cleveland 96 66 .593 
Chicago 96 66 .593 5
Pittsburgh 86 76 .531 10
San Diego 88 74 .543 13
New York 82 80 .506 14
Milwaukee 86 76 .531 15
Brooklyn 79 83 .488 17
Los Angeles 75 87 .463 26
Washington 77 85 .475 19
St. Louis 60 102 .370 41
Cincinnati 76 86 .469 20
Kansas City 57 105 .352 44
Philadelphia 75 87 .463 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 107 55 .660 
Montreal 100 62 .617 
San Francisco 87 75 .537 20
Detroit 98 64 .605 2
Dallas 86 76 .531 21
New York 86 76 .531 14
Twin Cities 82 80 .506 25
Atlanta 85 77 .525 15
Seattle 74 88 .457 33
Baltimore 82 80 .506 18
Chicago 61 101 .377 46
Toronto 65 97 .401 35
Los Angeles 60 102 .370 47
Boston 61 101 .377 39

Standings prior to the games of September 21, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 95 61 .609 
Cleveland 95 61 .609 
Chicago 92 64 .590 3
Pittsburgh 80 75 .516 14.5
San Diego 87 68 .561 7.5
New York 79 76 .510 15.5
Milwaukee 85 71 .545 10
Brooklyn 75 80 .484 19.5
Los Angeles 71 85 .455 24
Washington 75 81 .481 20
St. Louis 57 98 .368 37.5
Philadelphia 74 81 .477 20.5
Kansas City 52 104 .333 43
Cincinnati 72 84 .462 23

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 101 54 .652 
Montreal 96 59 .619 
Dallas 85 71 .545 16.5
Detroit 94 62 .603 2.5
San Francisco 82 73 .526 19
Atlanta 83 73 .532 13.5
Twin Cities 75 80 .484 26
New York 82 74 .526 14.5
Seattle 72 83 .465 29
Baltimore 77 79 .494 19.5
Chicago 60 98 .387 41
Toronto 63 92 .406 33
Los Angeles 59 96 .381 42
Boston 59 97 .378 37.5

Standings prior to the games of September 14, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Denver 91 59 .607 
Cleveland 89 61 .593 
Chicago 88 61 .591 2.5
Pittsburgh 77 72 .517 11.5
San Diego 84 65 .564 6.5
New York 76 73 .510 12.5
Milwaukee 83 66 .557 7.5
Brooklyn 73 76 .490 15.5
Los Angeles 67 83 .447 24
Philadelphia 73 76 .490 15.5
St. Louis 56 93 .376 34.5
Cincinnati 71 79 .473 18
Kansas City 48 102 .320 43
Washington 70 80 .467 19

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 96 53 .644 
Detroit 92 58 .613 
Dallas 83 67 .553 13.5
Montreal 90 59 .604 1.5
San Francisco 79 70 .530 17
Atlanta 81 68 .544 10.5
Twin Cities 71 77 .480 24.5
New York 79 71 .527 13
Seattle 71 78 .477 25
Baltimore 71 78 .477 20.5
Chicago 58 91 .389 38
Toronto 61 88 .409 30.5
Los Angeles 56 92 .378 39.5
Boston 56 94 .373 36

Standings prior to the games of September 7, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 87 54 .617 
Cleveland 85 57 .599 
Denver 85 58 .594 3
Pittsburgh 72 69 .511 12.5
San Diego 81 61 .570 6.5
New York 71 71 .500 14
Milwaukee 78 64 .549 9.5
Philadelphia 71 71 .500 14
Los Angeles 64 78 .451 23.5
Brooklyn 70 71 .496 14.5
St. Louis 51 90 .362 36
Cincinnati 69 74 .483 16.5
Kansas City 44 99 .308 44
Washington 66 77 .462 19.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 90 52 .634 
Detroit 88 54 .620 
Dallas 79 64 .552 11.5
Montreal 87 55 .613 1
San Francisco 76 66 .535 14
Atlanta 78 64 .549 10
Twin Cities 68 74 .479 22
New York 77 66 .538 11.5
Seattle 67 75 .472 23
Baltimore 65 77 .458 23
Chicago 57 85 .401 33
Toronto 54 87 .383 33.5
Los Angeles 54 87 .383 35.5
Boston 54 88 .380 34

Standings prior to the games of August 31, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 85 50 .630 
Cleveland 83 53 .610 
Denver 81 55 .596 4.5
Brooklyn 68 67 .504 14.5
San Diego 77 59 .566 8.5
Pittsburgh 68 67 .504 14.5
Milwaukee 76 60 .559 9.5
New York 67 69 .493 16
Los Angeles 59 77 .434 26.5
Philadelphia 67 69 .493 16
St. Louis 49 85 .366 35.5
Cincinnati 67 70 .489 16.5
Kansas City 41 96 .299 45
Washington 63 74 .438 20.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 85 51 .625 
Detroit 85 50 .630 
Dallas 75 62 .547 10.5
Montreal 85 51 .625 .5
San Francisco 72 63 .533 12.5
Atlanta 75 61 .551 10.5
Twin Cities 67 69 .493 18
New York 72 64 .529 13.5
Seattle 65 70 .481 19.5
Baltimore 61 75 .449 24.5
Chicago 52 83 .385 32.5
Boston 53 83 .390 32.5
Los Angeles 51 83 .381 33
Toronto 51 84 .378 34

Standings prior to the games of August 24, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 80 49 .620 
Cleveland 80 49 .620 
Denver 76 53 .589 4
Pittsburgh 65 64 .504 15
San Diego 76 54 .585 4.5
Philadelphia 64 64 .500 15.5
Milwaukee 72 58 .554 8.5
New York 64 65 .496 16
Los Angeles 55 74 .426 25
Brooklyn 63 65 .492 16.5
St. Louis 48 80 .375 31.5
Cincinnati 64 67 .489 17
Kansas City 41 90 .313 40
Washington 57 73 .438 23.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 81 49 .623 
Detroit 82 46 .641 
San Francisco 69 60 .535 11.5
Montreal 79 50 .612 3.5
Dallas 70 61 .534 11.5
Atlanta 72 58 .554 11
Twin Cities 65 65 .500 16
New York 66 63 .512 16.5
Seattle 62 66 .484 18
Baltimore 60 70 .462 23
Los Angeles 50 77 .394 29.5
Boston 51 78 .395 31.5
Chicago 49 80 .380 31.5
Toronto 48 81 .372 34.5

Standings prior to the games of August 17, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 76 47 .618 
Cleveland 77 46 .626 
San Diego 72 52 .581 4.5
Philadelphia 63 59 .516 13.5
Denver 70 53 .569 6
Brooklyn 62 60 .508 14.5
Milwaukee 67 57 .540 9.5
New York 62 61 .504 15
Los Angeles 52 71 .423 24
Pittsburgh 61 62 .496 16
St. Louis 45 77 .369 30.5
Cincinnati 62 63 .496 16
Kansas City 41 84 .328 36
Washington 53 71 .427 24.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 79 45 .637 
Detroit 81 41 .664 
Dallas 66 57 .537 12.5
Montreal 75 48 .610 6.5
San Francisco 64 59 .520 14.5
Atlanta 71 53 .573 11
Twin Cities 62 62 .500 17
New York 63 60 .512 18.5
Seattle 57 63 .475 20
Baltimore 56 67 .455 25.5
Los Angeles 44 76 .367 33
Boston 50 73 .407 31.5
Chicago 44 78 .361 34
Toronto 46 76 .377 35

Standings prior to the games of August 10, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 70 46 .603 
Cleveland 71 44 .617 
Denver 66 49 .574 3.5
Philadelphia 62 52 .544 8.5
San Diego 67 50 .573 3.5
Brooklyn 60 55 .522 11
Milwaukee 63 53 .573 7
New York 57 58 .496 14
Los Angeles 49 67 .422 21
Cincinnati 58 60 .492 14.5
St. Louis 45 71 .388 25
Pittsburgh 56 60 .483 15.5
Kansas City 39 79 .331 32
Washington 49 68 .419 23

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 74 44 .627 
Detroit 74 41 .643 
San Francisco 63 53 .543 10
Montreal 72 44 .621 2.5
Dallas 62 55 .530 11.5
Atlanta 68 49 .581 7
Twin Cities 58 59 .496 15.5
New York 58 58 .500 16.5
Seattle 54 60 .474 18
Baltimore 53 63 .457 21.5
Los Angeles 43 71 .377 29
Boston 48 67 .417 26
Chicago 41 75 .353 32
Toronto 43 72 .374 31

Standings prior to the games of August 3, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 67 43 .609 
Cleveland 65 43 .602 
Denver 62 47 .569 4.5
Philadelphia 61 46 .570 3.5
San Diego 61 50 .550 6.5
Brooklyn 56 53 .514 9.5
Milwaukee 59 51 .536 8
New York 55 54 .505 10.5
Los Angeles 48 62 .436 19
Pittsburgh 53 57 .482 13
St. Louis 44 66 .400 23
Cincinnati 53 59 .473 14
Kansas City 39 73 .348 29
Washington 46 65 .414 20.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 70 41 .631 
Detroit 70 38 .648 
San Francisco 60 50 .545 9.5
Montreal 69 40 .633 1.5
Dallas 58 53 .523 12
Atlanta 65 46 .586 6.5
Twin Cities 53 56 .486 16
New York 55 55 .500 16
Seattle 51 56 .477 17
Baltimore 52 58 .473 19
Los Angeles 40 68 .370 28.5
Boston 44 65 .404 26.5
Chicago 39 71 .355 30.5
Toronto 40 69 .367 30.5

Standings prior to the games of July 27, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 60 43 .583 
Cleveland 63 38 .624 
Denver 57 45 .559 2.5
Philadelphia 57 43 .570 5.5
San Diego 55 48 .534 5
Brooklyn 51 50 .505 12
Milwaukee 54 48 .529 5.5
New York 51 50 .505 12
Los Angeles 43 59 .422 16.5
Pittsburgh 51 51 .500 12.5
St. Louis 42 60 .412 17.5
Cincinnati 52 53 .495 13
Kansas City 38 67 .362 23
Washington 42 61 .408 22

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 65 38 .631 
Detroit 66 35 .653 
Dallas 58 46 .558 7.5
Montreal 64 38 .627 2.5
San Francisco 55 48 .534 10
Atlanta 61 43 .587 6.5
Twin Cities 48 54 .471 16.5
Baltimore 52 50 .510 14.5
Seattle 46 54 .460 17.5
New York 51 51 .500 15.5
Los Angeles 38 62 .380 25.5
Boston 39 62 .386 27
Chicago 34 69 .330 31
Toronto 37 64 .366 29

Standings prior to the games of July 20, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 55 41 .573 
Cleveland 60 35 .632 
Denver 52 44 .542 3
Philadelphia 55 38 .591 4
Milwaukee 52 44 .542 3
Brooklyn 49 46 .516 11
San Diego 52 44 .542 3
New York 49 46 .516 11
St. Louis 39 56 .411 15.5
Pittsburgh 47 49 .490 13.5
Los Angeles 38 57 .400 16.5
Cincinnati 47 51 .480 14.5
Kansas City 35 62 .361 20.5
Washington 40 57 .412 21

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 61 35 .635 
Montreal 61 33 .649 
Dallas 54 43 .557 7.5
Detroit 60 34 .638 1
San Francisco 52 44 .542 9
Atlanta 58 39 .598 4.5
Seattle 44 50 .468 16
Baltimore 49 47 .510 13
Twin Cities 44 52 .458 17
New York 45 50 .474 16.5
Los Angeles 34 59 .366 25.5
Boston 37 57 .394 24
Chicago 33 64 .340 28.5
Toronto 35 60 .368 26.5

Standings prior to the games of July 13, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 53 36 .596 
Cleveland 57 31 .648 
Milwaukee 49 40 .551 4
Philadelphia 53 33 .616 3
Denver 48 41 .539 5
Brooklyn 45 43 .511 12
San Diego 46 43 .517 7
New York 45 43 .511 12
Los Angeles 36 52 .409 16.5
Pittsburgh 44 44 .500 13
St. Louis 36 52 .409 16.5
Cincinnati 42 48 .467 16
Kansas City 31 59 .344 22.5
Washington 35 55 .389 23

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 55 34 .618 
Montreal 58 29 .697 
Dallas 49 42 .538 7
Detroit 55 32 .632 3
San Francisco 47 42 .528 8
Atlanta 54 36 .600 5.5
Twin Cities 41 48 .461 14
Baltimore 45 44 .506 14
Seattle 40 48 .455 14.5
New York 42 46 .477 16.5
Chicago 33 57 .367 22.5
Toronto 35 53 .398 23.5
Los Angeles 31 55 .360 22.5
Boston 34 53 .391 24

Standings prior to the games of July 6, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 51 34 .600 
Cleveland 55 29 .655 
Milwaukee 48 37 .565 3
Philadelphia 49 32 .605 4.5
Denver 46 39 .541 5
Brooklyn 44 40 .524 11
San Diego 43 42 .506 8
New York 43 40 .518 11.5
St. Louis 35 49 .417 15.5
Pittsburgh 41 43 .488 14
Los Angeles 33 51 .393 17.5
Cincinnati 40 46 .465 16
Kansas City 30 56 .349 21.5
Washington 33 53 .384 23

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 51 34 .600 
Montreal 57 26 .687 
Dallas 46 41 .529 6
Detroit 51 31 .622 5.5
San Francisco 44 40 .524 6.5
Atlanta 50 35 .588 8
Seattle 38 46 .452 12.5
Baltimore 43 41 .512 14.5
Twin Cities 38 46 .452 12.5
New York 40 43 .482 17
Los Angeles 31 51 .378 18.5
Boston 34 49 .410 23
Chicago 32 54 .372 19.5
Toronto 33 51 .393 24.5

Standings prior to the games of June 29, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 46 32 .590 
Cleveland 50 26 .658 
Denver 43 34 .558 2.5
Philadelphia 46 29 .613 3.5
Milwaukee 44 35 .557 2.5
New York 42 34 .553 8
San Diego 38 40 .487 8
Pittsburgh 41 36 .532 9.5
Los Angeles 31 47 .397 15
Brooklyn 38 38 .500 12
St. Louis 30 47 .390 15.5
Cincinnati 36 43 .456 15.5
Kansas City 28 51 .354 18.5
Washington 29 50 .367 22.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 45 32 .584 
Montreal 53 23 .697 
Dallas 42 38 .525 4.5
Detroit 45 31 .592 8
San Francisco 38 38 .500 6.5
Atlanta 46 32 .590 8
Seattle 37 40 .481 8
Baltimore 42 36 .538 12
Twin Cities 37 41 .474 8.5
New York 37 38 .493 15.5
Los Angeles 28 47 .373 16
Boston 31 45 .408 22
Chicago 29 50 .367 17
Toronto 29 48 .377 24.5

Standings prior to the games of June 22, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 42 29 .592 
Cleveland 46 24 .657 
Denver 40 31 .563 2
Philadelphia 42 26 .618 3
Milwaukee 41 32 .562 2
Brooklyn 37 33 .529 9
San Diego 34 36 .486 7.5
New York 37 33 .529 9
Los Angeles 29 42 .408 13
Pittsburgh 37 34 .521 9.5
St. Louis 26 44 .371 15.5
Cincinnati 33 39 .458 14
Kansas City 25 47 .347 17.5
Washington 26 45 .366 20.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 40 31 .563 
Montreal 51 18 .739 
Dallas 39 32 .549 1
Atlanta 43 29 .597 9.5
Seattle 35 33 .515 3.5
Detroit 40 29 .580 11
San Francisco 33 36 .478 6
Baltimore 38 34 .528 14.5
Twin Cities 32 39 .451 8
New York 34 35 .493 17
Los Angeles 26 43 .377 13
Boston 29 41 .414 22.5
Chicago 25 48 .342 16
Toronto 27 44 .380 25

Standings prior to the games of June 15, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 39 25 .609 
Cleveland 42 20 .677 
Denver 35 29 .547 4
Philadelphia 38 24 .613 4
Milwaukee 34 31 .523 5.5
New York 35 29 .547 8
San Diego 32 32 .500 7
Brooklyn 33 31 .516 10
Los Angeles 27 38 .415 12.5
Pittsburgh 33 31 .516 10
St. Louis 26 37 .413 12.5
Cincinnati 29 36 .446 14.5
Kansas City 23 42 .354 16.5
Washington 22 43 .338 21.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 37 27 .578 
Montreal 48 15 .762 
Dallas 37 29 .561 1
Atlanta 39 27 .591 10.5
Seattle 32 31 .508 4.5
Detroit 37 26 .587 11
San Francisco 29 34 .460 7.5
Baltimore 35 31 .530 14.5
Twin Cities 28 36 .438 9
New York 32 31 .508 16
Los Angeles 23 40 .365 13.5
Boston 25 39 .391 23.5
Chicago 22 43 .338 15.5
Toronto 25 40 .385 24

Standings prior to the games of June 8, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 35 23 .603 
Cleveland 37 19 .661 
San Diego 32 26 .552 3
Philadelphia 36 20 .643 1
Milwaukee 31 28 .525 4.5
New York 34 24 .586 4
Denver 30 28 .517 5
Pittsburgh 29 28 .509 8.5
St. Louis 25 31 .446 9
Brooklyn 28 30 .483 10
Los Angeles 22 37 .373 13.5
Cincinnati 27 32 .458 11.5
Kansas City 19 39 .328 16
Washington 19 39 .328 19

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 35 23 .603 
Montreal 43 13 .768 
Dallas 32 27 .542 3.5
Detroit 33 22 .600 9.5
Seattle 28 29 .491 6.5
Atlanta 34 24 .586 10
San Francisco 27 30 .474 7.5
Baltimore 31 28 .525 13.5
Twin Cities 24 33 .421 10.5
New York 29 28 .509 14.5
Los Angeles 20 37 .351 14.5
Toronto 24 34 .414 20
Chicago 20 39 .339 15.5
Boston 22 35 .386 21.5

Standings prior to the games of June 1, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 32 19 .627 
Cleveland 34 16 .680 
San Diego 29 22 .569 3
Philadelphia 32 18 .640 
Milwaukee 26 25 .510 6
New York 30 22 .577 5
Denver 26 26 .500 6.5
Brooklyn 26 26 .500 9
Los Angeles 21 30 .412 11
Cincinnati 26 27 .491 9.5
St. Louis 20 29 .408 11
Pittsburgh 25 26 .490 9.5
Kansas City 14 37 .275 18
Washington 17 35 .327 18

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 29 22 .569 
Montreal 39 11 .780 
Seattle 27 23 .540 1.5
Atlanta 31 21 .596 9
Dallas 26 26 .500 3.5
Detroit 29 20 .592 9.5
San Francisco 25 26 .490 4
Baltimore 29 24 .547 11.5
Twin Cities 23 29 .442 6.5
New York 24 27 .471 15.5
Los Angeles 19 32 .373 10
Toronto 22 30 .423 18
Chicago 17 36 .321 13
Boston 19 32 .373 20.5

Standings prior to the games of May 25, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 28 16 .636 
Cleveland 29 14 .674 
San Diego 26 18 .591 2
Philadelphia 29 14 .674 
Milwaukee 22 22 .500 6
New York 26 18 .591 3.5
Denver 21 24 .467 7.5
Cincinnati 23 22 .511 7
St. Louis 19 24 .442 8.5
Brooklyn 21 23 .477 8.5
Los Angeles 18 26 .409 10
Pittsburgh 19 24 .442 10
Kansas City 11 33 .250 17
Washington 15 29 .341 14.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 27 17 .614 
Montreal 34 10 .773 
San Francisco 24 20 .545 3
Atlanta 27 18 .600 7.5
Seattle 21 22 .488 5.5
Detroit 25 17 .595 8
Dallas 21 24 .467 6.5
Baltimore 24 21 .533 10.5
Twin Cities 19 25 .432 8
New York 21 24 .467 13.5
Los Angeles 17 27 .386 10
Toronto 19 25 .432 15
Chicago 14 32 .304 14
Boston 16 27 .372 17.5

Standings prior to the games of May 18, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 24 13 .613 
Cleveland 26 11 .703 
San Diego 22 15 .595 2
Philadelphia 25 12 .676 1
Denver 18 20 .474 6.5
New York 25 13 .658 1.5
Milwaukee 16 21 .432 8
Brooklyn 20 18 .526 6.5
St. Louis 16 21 .432 8
Cincinnati 20 19 .513 7
Los Angeles 15 22 .405 9
Pittsburgh 15 22 .405 11
Kansas City 10 27 .270 14
Washington 10 28 .263 16.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 24 14 .632 
Montreal 29 8 .784 
San Francisco 20 18 .526 4
Detroit 23 13 .639 5.5
Seattle 19 18 .514 4.5
Atlanta 22 19 .579 7.5
Dallas 20 19 .516 4.5
New York 20 18 .526 9.5
Twin Cities 14 24 .368 10
Baltimore 19 20 .487 11
Los Angeles 13 25 .342 11
Toronto 15 22 .405 14
Chicago 13 27 .325 12
Boston 14 23 .378 15

Standings prior to the games of May 11, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 19 12 .613 
Cleveland 20 10 .667 
San Diego 17 14 .548 2
Philadelphia 20 10 .667 
Denver 15 17 .469 4.5
New York 21 11 .656 
Los Angeles 14 17 .452 5
Cincinnati 18 14 .563 3
Milwaukee 14 17 .452 5
Brooklyn 17 15 .531 4
St. Louis 12 19 .387 7
Pittsburgh 13 18 .419 7.5
Kansas City 9 22 .290 10
Washington 9 22 .290 11.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 21 10 .677 
Montreal 25 6 .806 
San Francisco 17 14 .548 4
Detroit 20 10 .667 4.5
Dallas 16 16 .500 5.5
Atlanta 18 14 .563 7.5
Seattle 14 16 .467 6.5
New York 17 15 .531 8.5
Los Angeles 12 19 .387 9
Baltimore 16 17 .485 10
Twin Cities 11 20 .355 11.5
Boston 11 20 .355 14
Chicago 10 22 .313 11.5
Toronto 11 20 .355 14

Standings prior to the games of May 4, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 16 9 .640 
Cleveland 16 8 .667 
San Diego 15 10 .600 1
Philadelphia 16 8 .667 
Los Angeles 13 12 .520 3
New York 17 9 .654 
Milwaukee 11 13 .458 4.5
Cincinnati 13 13 .500 4
Denver 11 14 .440 5
Brooklyn 12 14 .462 5
St. Louis 10 15 .400 6
Pittsburgh 9 16 .360 7.5
Kansas City 8 17 .320 8
Washington 8 17 .320 8.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 17 8 .680 
Montreal 20 5 .800 
San Francisco 15 10 .600 2
Detroit 16 8 .667 3.5
Dallas 12 14 .462 5.5
Atlanta 16 9 .640 4
Seattle 10 14 .417 6.5
New York 14 12 .538 6.5
Los Angeles 10 15 .400 7
Baltimore 13 13 .500 7.5
Twin Cities 9 16 .360 8
Boston 8 17 .320 12
Chicago 8 18 .308 9.5
Toronto 8 17 .320 12

Standings prior to the games of April 27, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 13 6 .684 
Cleveland 13 5 .722 
Los Angeles 11 8 .579 2
New York 13 6 .684 .5
San Diego 10 9 .526 3
Philadelphia 12 6 .667 1
St. Louis 9 10 .474 4
Cincinnati 10 9 .526 3.5
Milwaukee 7 11 .389 5.5
Brooklyn 9 10 .474 4.5
Denver 7 12 .368 6
Pittsburgh 7 12 .368 6.5
Kansas City 6 13 .316 7
Washington 4 14 .222 9

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 13 6 .684 
Montreal 17 2 .895 
San Francisco 13 6 .684 
Detroit 15 3 .833 1.5
Dallas 9 10 .474 4
Atlanta 12 7 .632 5
Seattle 7 11 .389 5.5
New York 10 10 .500 7.5
Los Angeles 7 12 .368 6
Baltimore 9 11 .450 8.5
Twin Cities 6 13 .316 7
Boston 5 14 .263 12
Chicago 5 14 .263 8
Toronto 5 14 .263 12

Standings prior to the games of April 20, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 8 4 .667 
Cleveland 9 3 .750 
Los Angeles 7 5 .583 1
New York 9 4 .692 .5
Milwaukee 6 6 .500 2
Philadelphia 8 4 .667 1
San Diego 6 6 .500 2
Cincinnati 8 5 .615 1.5
Kansas City 6 7 .462 2.5
Brooklyn 5 8 .385 4.5
St. Louis 4 8 .333 4
Washington 4 8 .333 5
Denver 3 10 .231 5.5
Pittsburgh 4 9 .308 5.5

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
San Francisco 10 2 .833 
Detroit 10 2 .833 
Houston 10 3 .769 .5
Montreal 10 2 .833 
Dallas 7 6 .538 3.5
Atlanta 10 3 .769 .5
Seattle 4 8 .333 6
Baltimore 5 7 .417 5
Los Angeles 3 9 .250 7
New York 5 8 .385 5.5
Chicago 3 10 .231 7.5
Boston 4 9 .308 6.5
Twin Cities 3 10 .231 7.5
Toronto 4 9 .308 6.5

Standings prior to the games of April 13, 1970

NBL West W L Pct. GBL
NBL East W L Pct. GBL
Chicago 4 2 .667 
New York 6 0 1.000 
Los Angeles 4 2 .667 
Cleveland 3 3 .500 3
Kansas City 3 3 .500 1
Philadelphia 3 3 .500 3
Milwaukee 3 3 .500 1
Pittsburgh 3 3 .500 3
Denver 2 4 .333 2
Washington 3 3 .500 3
San Diego 2 4 .333 2
Brooklyn 2 4 .333 4
St. Louis 2 4 .333 2
Cincinnati 2 4 .333 4

ABL West W L Pct. GBL
ABL East W L Pct. GBL
Houston 5 1 .833 
Atlanta 5 1 .833 
San Francisco 5 1 .833 
Montreal 5 1 .833 
Dallas 4 2 .500 1
Detroit 4 2 .667 1
Seattle 3 3 .500 2
Baltimore 3 3 .500 2
Chicago 1 5 .167 4
Boston 2 4 .333 3
Los Angeles 1 5 .167 4
Toronto 2 4 .333 3
Twin Cities 0 6 .000 5
New York 2 4 .333 3

◀ 1969 weekly standings   |   1971 weekly standings ▶

The 1970’s