BNN Stats: Reliever Split Stats Leaders
Monday, November 5th , 1962
Today we look at the top 5 relievers leading the Eastern Baseball League in strikeouts during daytime.
Leon Smith, TOL, 65 Joe Dollins, NYE, 51 Glenn Francini, COL, 26 Triple A Placeholder, IND, 26 Warren Washington, DAL, 16
BNN Stats: Single-Season Records
Monday, October 29th , 1962
Who holds the single season record in the Eastern Baseball League for isolated power (ISO)?
Steve Garcia, DM, .3152, 1962 Artie Robley, COL, .2453, 1962 Jimmy McCollum, BUF, .2426, 1960 Cortez Torres, ROC, .2179, 1961 Jim Buczek, DM, .1935, 1960
BNN Stats: Active Career Pitching Leaders
Monday, October 22nd , 1962
Which active pitchers are leading the Eastern Baseball League in career complete games?
Mickey Halifax, CLE, 29 Neal Pettey, TOR, 17 Joe Gibson, TC, 12 Toby Chambers, TC, 11 Billy Lackey, ROC, 11