Draft Rules
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Draft Rules

Annual amateur draft is run in Stats+.

The draft is five rounds. Each draft pool will contain enough players for all scheduled rounds, plus enough players for two additional rounds. Undrafted amateurs will be deleted after the draft.

The draft seeding is based on the standings at the trade deadline (immediately after the games of July 31). The team with the worst record drafts first, the team with the second worst record drafts second, and so on. Ties for seeding are broken by coin flip or other random method.

The draft begins immediately after the trade deadline, but is not entered into the game until Sept. 1 (when rosters are expanded, which should allow room for drafted players).

In game time, the draft pool will be revealed in early February, approximately six months prior to the draft; in real-time, that will usually be about five or six weeks prior to the draft.

With that much preparation time, GMs are expected to have lists made and be ready to roll when the draft arrives. A timer will be employed to ensure expediency. It will vary according to round. Each team will be “on the clock” for the following times when their turn comes around:

Rounds One and Two: four hours
All subsequent rounds: one hour

The timer only runs from 9 am Pacific time (12 noon Eastern) to 9 pm Pacific (12 midnight Eastern). During the period the timer isn’t running it is still possible for teams to make a pick, but they are not “on the clock”.

If a team’s timer runs out, Stats+ will automatically pick for them. Once that happens the team will be placed on “Auto Pick” for the remainder of the draft. (Alternatively, GMs may select “Auto Pick” and “List Pick” simultaneously.)

The amateur draft in this league is designed to move along quickly. GMs are expected to make draft lists, and to monitor the draft to ensure their lists do not run out.

Draft picks may be traded, but not during the draft (since the draft starts after the trade deadline). During the trade window (which runs from the end of the postseason to July 31) only draft picks from the upcoming draft may be traded (not two or more drafts in advance).