Rules, etc.
About the Circuit
Draft Rules
GM Directory
For Managers
Sim Schedule

Rules, etc.


OOTP Settings
GM Duties
Park Factors
Awards Voting
Roster Rules
Tie-breakers and Playoff Seeding
Keepin’ it real

OOTP Settings


Player Actual Ratings Scale: 20 to 80
Player Potential Ratings Scale: 20 to 80
Other Player Ratings Scale: 20 to 80
Overall Rating: Stars
Potential Rating: Stars
Show Ratings > Max: No, cut off
Show Potential < Actual: No, adjust
Overall ratings based on all players: Disabled


Short Injury Frequency: Normal (OOTP Classic) at all times except during Spring Training, when it is Low
Long Injury Frequency: Low at all times except during Spring Training, when it is Very Low
Delayed Injury Diagnosis: Never
Position Player Fatigue: Average
Suspension Frequency: Normal

Use Player Personality Ratings: Enabled
Show & use Player Morale System: Disabled
Show & use Team Chemistry System: Disabled

Batter Aging Speed: 1.100
Batter Dev. Speed: 1.000
Pitcher Aging Speed: 1.200
Pitcher Dev. Speed: 1.000
Talent Change Randomness: 100
Player Development: Enabled
Development for draft-eligible players: Enabled

Designated Hitter: Not a chance

Active Roster Size: 25 Players
Reserve Roster Size: 15 Players
Expanded Roster Size: 40 Players
Roster Expansion Date: September 1
Post-Season Roster Rules: Disabled
Spring Training Roster Size: 40 Players
Batter Injured List Length: 14 Days
Pitcher Injured List Length: 14 Days
Expanded Injured List Length: 60 Days

TRADING RULES (See also here.)
Trading Deadline Date: July 31
Use Trade Deadline Day Setup: NO
Allow trades with other Major Leagues: Enabled
Trading of Recently Drafted Players: Immediate
10/5 Rule: Disabled
Allow trading of injured ( > 7 days) players: Enabled
Allow draft pick trading: Enabled

Amateur Draft Date: September 1
Amateur Draft Number of Rounds: 5
Generate Players for X Rounds: 7
Draft HS Target Pct: 40%
Draft Junior College Target Pct: 20%
Amateur Draft Pool Reveal Date: 200 days prior to draft
Enable Advanced Draftee Signing (Signing Bonus Negotiations): Disabled
Draft Lottery Choices: None (Lottery Disabled)

Note:The numbers are based on historical figures; or perhaps more accurately, OOTP's attempts to match historical figures.

Attendance Baseline per game: Varies by year
Ticket Price Baseline: Varies by year
Teams may change ticket price: Disabled
Visiting team’s gate share (%): 20
Apply Gate Share to season tickets: Enabled

Yearly Inflation: 0% - 0%
Enable Reserve-Clause Era Rules: Disabled
Minimum Days of Service for 1 Service Year: 76
Minimum Service Years of Free Agency: 6 Years
Service Years Required for Arbitration: 3 Years
Super 2 Deadline: No Super 2 Players Allowed
Non-escalating Arbitration (KBO Style): Disabled
Compensation for lost FAs: No Compensation
Allow Players to be posted as FA prior to Eligibility: No, Posting System disabled
Allow Free Agents from other Leagues: Disabled
Allow Free Agents to leave League: Disabled
Foreign players become FA on contract end: Disabled
Allow Contract Opt-Outs: Disabled

National Media Contract Baseline: Varies by year
National Media Contract fixed?: Yes, same contract for every team
Local Media Contract Baseline: Varies by year
Merchandising Revenue Baseline: Varies by year
Team Owner controls Budget?: No, entire budget available
Revenue Sharing: Disabled
Luxury Tax: Enabled
Soft Cap (% of average payroll): 120
Tax above Soft Cap (%): 20
Cash Maximum: Varies by year

Player Dev. Budget Baseline: Disabled
Typical and Minimum Salaries: Vary by year
Contract Years Maximum: 4 years
Contract Extensions: Allowed
Team Salary Cap: No Cap

Hold All-Star Game: Enabled (see here)
All-Star Game decides home field for final playoff: Hell no

Break Ties with tiebreaker games: See here
Playoff Mode: Division Winners plus Wildcard(s) qualify
Number of Wildcard teams per Sub-League: 2
Number of Playoff Rounds: 3
Name of Round 1: Divisional Series
Abbr. of Round 1: DS
Best Of in Round 1: Best of Seven
Name of Round 2: League Championship Series
Abbr. of Round 2: LCS
Best Of in Round 2: Best of Seven
Name of Round 3: World Series
Abbr. of Round 3: WS
Best Of in Round 3: Best of Seven
Stagger series start dates between Sub Leagues: No, same series start date
Fixed series start dates: No, base on previous series lengths

Further Details


Al Borie is the Commissioner and co-founder of the league.

GM duties

I expect GMs to pay attention to their teams during the season. It’s not absolutely necessary to export after every sim, but if three or four sims go by with no activity from a GM I start to wonder if something has happened to him. To avoid being asked if you’re still alive I recommend making a team export after each sim, or at least every other sim, even if you’re not making any changes to your team. It only takes a few minutes.

If you’re going to be unable to export for an extended period drop me an e-mail or a PM in Slack. I know real life takes priority over a game. But communication is key; taking a few seconds to let me know you're going to be away tells me you’re still with us, whereas no activity and no communication for an extended period tells me it’s time to start looking for your replacement.

Park Factors

GMs may design their own parks if they’re into that. Here are the allowable parameters:

  • Overall AVG: max 1.050, min .950; no more than .030 difference between LHB and RHB
  • 2B: max 1.100, min .900
  • 3B: max 1.200, min .800
  • Overall HR: max 1.300, min .700; no more than .300 difference between LHB and RHB

I’ve done a lot of research on real-life park factors, and although the data is sometimes inconsistent from one source to another, I believe I have an understanding of what kind of park factors are realistic both historically and currently. OOTP allows you to input values that are WAY beyond what is realistic, and that’s okay for some leagues, but in this one we’ll stay well within the boundaries that can be found in real professional ballparks.

We may not need rules for how often GMs can change their parks. The Commissioner will probably grow weary of GMs who want to tweak their parks every year, but as long as nobody’s doing that, I don’t think I’ll need to legislate it.

Awards Voting

Hall of Fame: We have a very informal “Hall of Fame Committee”. Basically, whenever it’s time to select new Hall of Famers, everyone in the league who wants to be on the committee gets to be on the committee; we have a discussion about the candidates and about the process if necessary, and then we vote. If the committee is just three people one year, it’s three people. If it’s all twenty-eight the next, it’s all twenty-eight.

All-Star Game: We play a mid-season All-Star Game (NBL All-Stars vs ABL All-Stars). Beginning with the 1957 season we have turned the All-Star Game voting over to the A.I.

End-of-season awards (Most Valuable Player, etc.): Beginning with the 1959 season GMs may vote for all postseason awards (prior to that GMs were limited to voting in their own leagues only).

Voting is not mandatory. People who want to vote can, and those who aren’t that interested need not bother. A deadline will be set and whatever votes are received by that time determine the results. Then we move on.

See also here.

Roster Rules

Roster limits:

Active Roster Reserve Roster
Spring Training 40 15
Opening Day–August 31 25 15
September 1–End of Regular Season 40 20
Postseason (playoff teams) 25 20
Postseason (non-playoff teams) 40 20
Beginning of Offseason–Spring Training No limits No limits

The OOTP game calendar will not advance when any team is in violation of roster limits. That means if you sign a free agent in the middle of the sim and that signing puts you over the roster limit, the sim will stop, and it can only continue after the violation has been resolved.

For this reason, there is a process when offering free agent contracts during the season:

  1. After offering a contract to a free agent or free agents, inform the Commissioner in a PM that you have done so (unless that signing would not put you over the roster limit; in that case it is unnecessary to inform me).
  2. Do NOT identify which free agent(s) you have offered a contract to (remember, I’m a GM in this league as well; you don’t want to tip off your strategy to me).
  3. DO inform me which player or players you want me to release if the free agent(s) sign with you.
  4. If you do not do this, and the signing puts you over the roster limit, I will release the newly-signed player(s) so the sim can continue.
  5. There is one exception to the above; if the signing occurs after September 1st and you have room for the new player(s) on your Active Roster, you don’t need to tell me to drop someone. I can just move the new player(s) onto the Active Roster and continue the sim.

Players on the IL do not count against the roster limits. However, you may not use the IL to “hide” players. Once a player is healthy, you must take him off the IL and assign him to either your Active Roster or your Reserve Roster, or release him.


The process for making a trade is as follows:

  1. After agreeing to the trade, one of the trade participants must post the details of the trade in the #confirmed_trades channel in Slack.
  2. The other must confirm it.
  3. Both GMs must
    1. inform the Commissioner (in a PM or in the #confirmed_trades channel) what level (Active or Reserve Roster) to assign the player(s) they are acquiring
    2. inform the Commissioner what role (rotation, starting lineup, etc.) to assign the player(s) they are acquiring
    3. export with space for the players they are acquiring
    4. transfer the players they are trading away to the Reserve Roster

Trades are processed before each sim. Traded players are available to to their new teams right away, but I don't want to have to guess what you want me to do with them, or who you want me to release or send down if you haven’t made room for the new players. You need to tell me, right after making the trade.

Draft picks may be traded, but only draft picks for the very next draft (not two or more drafts into the future).

Tie-breakers and Playoff Seeding

OOTP can be set to allow tie-breaker games (i.e., an extra regular season game between two teams with the same record), or to not allow tie-breaker games (i.e., breaking the tie via Major League Baseball's current rules, under which there are no tie-breaker games).

That’s fine, except... what if you only want to have a tie-breaker game to break a tie between two teams who are tied for a single playoff spot, and not for any other scenarios?

You can’t do it. Well, you can, but it involves changing the setting prior to the final game of the regular season. So that’s what we do. Well, that’s what we will do, if we ever have to. So far, we’ve never had to.

To clarify, we WON’T have a tie-breaker game to break a tie between two teams who...

  • Are tied for a division title, and who already qualify for the playoffs as either a division winner or a wildcard team, or
  • Are in a two-way tie for the top wildcard spot

We WILL have a tie-breaker game to break a tie between two teams who...

  • Are tied for a division title, and would not qualify for a wildcard spot (i.e., they both have a worse record than the second and third place team in the other division of their league), or
  • Are tied for the second wildcard spot

In short, we schedule tie-breakers only to determine playoff berths; we never schedule a tie-breaker game merely to determine playoff seeding.

As for nightmare scenarios such as ties between more than two teams, or a situation where you need OOTP to schedule a tie-breaker game in one league and avoid scheduling one in the other... we’ll cross that ridiculous bridge when we come to it, because we probably never will.

Keepin’ it real

Before a GM commits to this league, it’s best that he’s aware that I prefer as realistic a simulation as OOTP is able to deliver. Thanks to its many variable options, OOTP can be pushed and prodded into producing a highly realistic simulation of real baseball, and in this league, we will always seek realistic results, unless there is a compelling reason not to (and it’s got to be a very compelling reason).

I have found that when I advocate for things to be “realistic”, sometimes people think I mean “exactly like real life”. This is a fictional league; fiction, by definition, is not exactly like real life. So when I say “let’s make this league as realistic as possible”, I’m not saying “let’s duplicate every single aspect of Major League Baseball down to the tiniest detail.” Say you’re channel-surfing on TV, and on one channel there’s a gritty police drama, and on another there’s something with dragons and wizards and other supernatural goings-on. They’re both fiction, but if someone asked you which one was “more like real life,” would you have difficulty answering the question? When I use the word “realistic” as it pertains to OOTP, I don’t mean exactly like reality, I just mean something that at least strongly resembles reality.

My concept of what is realistic may be different than yours, and it’s okay if we don’t agree on every single nuance. Feel free to tell me when you think I’m wrong, and why; you may change my mind. You’re probably not going to wholeheartedly agree with every decision I make, but as long as you’re on board with my “realism first” dictum, you should fit in well. If you’re not, it may be best for you to find a different league. There are oodles of OOTP leagues out there; it’s a waste of time and energy to attempt to conform a league to each individual member’s tastes. This league is either for you, or it’s not.

Like any other game, OOTP has flaws, and GMs that are aware of some of the cracks in the system can exploit them. Some actions that would not work well, or at all, in real baseball might work quite well in OOTP. Intentionally exploiting a flaw in the game that allows a GM an advantage that doesn’t exist in real life will be considered cheating in this league. We may not have a specific rule about every potential exploit, but the “spirit of our rules” should make it clear what’s cool and what isn’t: if you’re doing something that only works in the game and not in real baseball, it ain’t cool. That being said, I’m not looking to axe anybody after one minor infraction; I am aware of the potential for some of these “cheats” to occur innocently or otherwise without malicious intent.

I don’t like dictating strategic/managerial options to GMs; I would much prefer a scenario in which the game were designed in such a way that nothing a GM could do could cause the game to simulate baseball unrealistically. Unfortunately, the game designers—intentionally or as the result of oversight—have left options on the table that allow GMs to do exactly that, willingly or unwillingly.

It’s a computer program; sometimes computer programs go off the rails a bit. I can’t anticipate every OOTP issue that might come up, but if I see something that needs to be corrected “on the fly,” I will correct it. The program exists to serve us, not the other way around. I will make every effort not to make changes in mid-season that might impact one team more than another, but realism is the ultimate master here, and realism may at times be served over fairness.